Spectra uploads evolution by time
General statistics
Contributors on alphaCyg campaign
Firstname Lastname Nb specs uploads Nb specs reviewed Nb specs warning
Alain MAETZ 4 4 0
Pascal LOUIS 2 2 0
Maxime PILISI 4 3 1
Buil Christian 12 9 0
Eric BERNARD 1 0 0
Matthieu Le Lain 7 7 0
Guillaume Bertrand 6 6 0
etienne bertrand 3 3 0
jean-michel vienney 12 10 2
Arnaud Debuchy 1 0 0
Philippe Danthine 2 2 0
Dominique Arnaud 1 0 1
Luis Ribé de Pont 5 5 0
Cristian Grosu 5 3 2
Franck WEIL 2 2 0
Jean-François Pittet 13 8 5
Laurent DALBIN 2 0 1
vincent Lecocq 1 1 0
Jose Aumente 2 2 0
Patrick Fricker 8 0 0
Massimo Di Lazzaro 3 0 0
Olivier Garde 3 3 0
Antoine Blais 5 2 1
Xavier DUPONT 5 3 0
Arthur Leduc 4 4 0
isabelle auvray 1 0 1
Jean-Jacques Broussat 3 3 0
Stephane CHARBONNEL 5 0 5
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