How this database works ?

All data is publicly accessible, without the need for a user account.

It is also possible for any user to with an account to to deposit its own spectrum in the database, via the upload page.

The fits files must have certain keys in the header in order to be uploaded to the database.

We use the standard BeSS here, but we'll only need a limited number of keywords, which are listed below.

  • BSS_LONG (GEO_LONG is also accepted)
  • BSS_LAT (GEO_LAT is also accepted)
  • BSS_ELEV (GEO_ELEV is also accepted)
  • CRVAL1
  • CDELT1
  • CRPIX1
  • CTYPE1
  • CUNIT1

You can find the expected key formats details in the BeSS specification here : BeSS Specification

When you add this, it is possible to add a short comment about the quality of your spectrum. For example "A lot of noise due to inaccurate self-guidance". This comment is then visible on the database in the consultation tools.

Shortly thereafter, a validator analyzes the deposited spectra to validate their usability.


Here's what happens:

1 - The user deposits a new spectrum in the database

The spectrum is directly accessible in the database, but has no badge (valid or warning)

2 - A validator analyzes the newly deposited spectra

Soon after, a validator goes through the newly submitted spectra and analyzes each one to validate its quality. He can also add a "warning" comment on it, for example "Strange continuum".

3 - Display of validated data

Once validated, with or without a warning, the spectrum has a badge visible to all to attest to its quality. If a warning comment has been added by the validator, a badge is also present.

In addition to the possibility of downloading these raw spectra, several tools are available: Display a single spectrum, Display several selected spectra, Display all spectra in the database.